Monday, May 28, 2012

Long time no see.

I have been really missing blogging and reading your posts. For some reason I am just not finding the time and I guess my spare time has been going to listing on eBay. I have not been treasure hunting much lately which is probably a good thing. I have been trying to declutter a little and keep on top of the house work. Managed to get rid of three big bags of clothes to charity when I cleaned out our bedroom and hope to clear more soon. Feels good! I am working on getting Master M's room painted and then we will put in a floating floor which will be much better for his asthma. Have painted the cornice and Mr M did the ceiling so hope to start the walls tomorrow when Little Miss is in bed. She will be two in a couple of weeks and I can't believe it!

Thought I would show you a casserole dish I have listed at the moment. I nearly held onto it and may still if it doesn't sell. It is quite shallow so I t think it would be very useful for me.

 Denby Chevron dish  - designed by Gill Pemberton 1961

Gorgeous don't you think. There is just something about it that I love and it will be sad to see it gone. Unfortunately it has a tiny defect on the lid but luckily it isn't too noticeable.

 Yummy colours.

 Alcock, Lindley & Bloor (ABL) from the 50s.

Can you believe I manged to smash one of them!!  I think it may have been pink?? :(  These have been in the shed for a couple of years but I have decided I can't part with them yet. They would be great as a serving dish for snacks so therefore useful (that's what I tell myself anyway).

I have sold the Arabia plate and  vintage doll from my recent past post. The doll went to a  lady who is going to restore her broken fingers and give her a new wardrobe. She said she has read my blog so 'Hi' if you are reading and I hope the she arrived safely. I am so glad she is going to be fixed up.

The week that was:

I love The Farm. I love that my Dad and Pa left wood here that we can use to keep us warm. Master M loved helping carry the wood and doing 'a big work job because I can carry the wood  like this' (cradle a pile of wood in his arms).

Little Miss helped too...

 Well, sort of.

Linking in with Her Library Adventures - Flea Market Finds

Have a fantastic week!


  1. Hi there! Nice to read one of your posts. Love the ABL dishes. I wouldn't part with them either man! Hope you have a great week.x

  2. Hello there. I love those colorful dishes. I too need to start some decluttering. visiting you from

  3. i love that Denby chevron dish! what a find :) love your pics :)

  4. Good luck with all the clearing out, such a good feeling isn't it? We are shifting all our kiddy clutter out to get ready for the reno. your girl is growing up sooooo fast! melx

  5. *Eaaakk!* All the dishes are so lovely. I especially love the Chevron one.


This is the best bit, would love you to leave me a Vintage Hello!

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