Friday, September 2, 2011

Meet Garry

Meet the newest member of our family.  She was orphaned from one of the ewes we have on 'The Farm' which is a little bit of land that is left from my Great Grandparents property. She is settling in and becoming less timid all the time. Mr M breeds Wiltipoll sheep (wool shedding sheep) as a bit of a hobby, he only started a few years ago but his little flock is growing. We had to rescue this one from the creek but unfortunately her mum decided that she no longer smelt like her baby after her dip (well I am guessing that is what happened as she didn't want the lamb near her).

Master M enjoys feeding her and Little Miss thinks she is hilarious. Mr M wants to call her Garry (!). Where Mr M used to work the blokes would sing the songs on the radio and would substitute words for 'Garry' (who was another guy who worked there). It was an ongoing joke. Maybe I will call her Garrietta. Hee Hee. Hopefully he will change his mind. All she needs now is a friend to share the yard with.


  1. Oh what a little sweetie Miss Garry is. x

  2. How totally gorgeous to have a pet lamb- my kids would be besotted. Garietta is not bad- when I worked out bush I did come across a young lass the unfortunate name of " Waynette". Seriously, not joking. melx

  3. Welcome to Garry! Bless, what adorable pictures, thanks for stopping by my blog.

  4. Hi, I've been drooling rather uncontrollably over your lovely finds in a previous post (the yellow teapot and the salt container in particular). I shall be back to drool some more no doubt! Garry is adorable btw.


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